Linus Torvald’s talk at Google, about Git, a distributed version control system. I screen-captured his slides, and they are available for download or for [view]( I’ve been playing with git a bit in my personal projects. My workplace still uses Perforce though.

Feb 21, 2008
1 minute

Keep getting an “invalid argument” error when using Luigi Auriemma’s uif2iso after compiling on Mac OS X? In a nutshell, you will have to use “fseeko” instead of “fseek”, and “ftello” instead of “ftell” in his uif2iso.c file, when compiling in OS X.

Feb 19, 2008
1 minute

Java JNIRecently I had a programming challenge in that I estimated a feature for this Java application that needed to know whether a certain program was running, and if it was running, terminate it.

Feb 18, 2008
2 minutes

If you have NetBeans 6.0 and you want to use the bundled JRuby, you might as well get 6.0.1 if you want NetBeans to handle updating the JRuby Gems for you (after changing the permissions of the JRuby gems directory of course, see below). NetBeans 6.0 has an OutOfMemory stack problem when trying to update the gems. The latest available Rails for JRuby Gems is 1.2.5 I believe (the bleeding edge as of this date is 2.0.2).

Feb 14, 2008
2 minutes

I have a Pentax K10D. It’s been a year since I bought it, and I love it – but I think its time to let it go and sell it. No, it’s not because the Pentax K20D is coming out! :)

Jan 24, 2008
1 minute

Announcing: “once a week” blogging.

Jan 06, 2008
1 minute

Now, if you are a photographer like me, you will love this gadget. When looking for my first DSLR, I was looking at the features, and I thought, GPS capability would be really cool. Wherever I travelled, after uploading my photos to Flickr for example, they could all be laid out on a map to show where I took a photo. I mean precisely where I took the photo!

Dec 29, 2007
2 minutes

Crumpler bag

Dec 28, 2007
2 minutes

PS3 40GB Console with Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock Plus Free HDMI Cable and Power StationOk, so you have a computer with all your photos, videos, and audio that sits in your computer room. You have a Playstation 3 in your living room hooked up to your gorgeous 1080p LCD TV. How do you enable all this content to be played from your computer in the back room all the way in your living room? Through streaming of course.

Dec 28, 2007
1 minute